How do music lessons help college admissions?

Hey Friends!

Hoping today is going great for you!

I recently sat down with Evelyn from Magellan College Counseling for a conversation about the true impact music lessons, specifically, programmed music lessons like Guitar Ninjas have on college admissions.

You can watch the 5-minute interview HERE

The key takeaways:

  • Enrollment in the arts (music, dance, etc.) pre-college is an asset to have on an application

  • College admission staff are looking less at test scores and more at what students do outside of school

  • Depth of involvement and commitment matters when it comes to extracurricular activities

  • Being able to describe that you (as the student) completed a music course (Guitar Ninjas) looks great on an application

Evelyn had much to share and if your child will be applying for college in the near future Iā€™d highly suggest giving it a view!

Have a great weekend!


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